If you love cooking with fresh herbs you will love our Grow Your Own Herbs - Egg Shell Seed Starters.
I find myself browsing the herb section at the grocery store all too much and herbs aren't cheap. Three or four dollars for some basil and cilantro every week can add up. So I decided to plant my own in my leftover egg shells. And if you don't have leftover egg shells, make some yummy muffins or an egg casserole, you'll have plenty and they won't go to waste.
I have never had a green thumb but I find myself getting more and more into gardening and plants (although I hate the smell of soil). I love knowing that my herbs are truly organic and that there's no yucky pesticides being sprayed on them. So if you'd like to try them for yourself, they are very easy.
How to Make Egg Shell Seed Starters
- Organic seed starting potting soil
- Herb seeds of choice
- Egg Shells
- Needle
- Water
- Large cooking pot
- Crack your eggs gently on the top to remove the yolks and set them aside to make our yummy Ham Broccoli Tarts.
- Place your egg shells into a pot of boiling water and boil the shells for a few minutes to remove the remaining egg.
- Peel off any excess shell that you don't want near the top and poke a hole into the bottom of each shell with a needle.
- Fill your shells halfway with your potting soil and carefully pack your soil.
- Place about 5 seeds onto your soil, top off with another ยผ" of soil, place the soil filled eggs back into your carton.
- Place your carton on the windowsill in sunlight and water your seeds with a good amount of water the first time to let the dry soil absorb the water and water again morning and night.
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